If you have a Pro account (paid), but your account is showing as Basic (free) or your meetings get cut off at 40 minutes, you may not have a license assigned to you or may be signed in to the wrong account.
Learn more about Zoom user types and roles.
If your account is showing as Basic, you may not have an assigned license. Admins can view available licenses and assign them to users on the Users page of User Management in the Zoom web portal. Learn how to assign Zoom licenses. If a license has already been assigned and is still not displaying correctly, admins can follow these steps to fix an incorrectly displayed user license.
If you have multiple Zoom accounts, check that you are signed in to the correct one. You can check your email on your Account Profile.
More commonly, users who are showing as free users even though they have a paid account are signed in to the wrong account. You may have multiple accounts with varying user and account types. Try to sign out everywhere, quit Zoom, then sign back in using a different email address that you signed up for a Pro account with. If you have received a payment notification, check which email address that was sent to and sign in with that email address.