Turning video off when joining a meeting

Meeting attendees can choose to turn off their video by default when joining a Zoom meeting by enabling Turn off my video when joining meeting. Once this setting is enabled, their video will be disabled upon joining each meeting. Users will have to manually enable their video if they want to turn their video back on. This setting is useful for when the meeting hasn't started yet or for attendees who join a meeting late, preventing disruptions.

Prerequisites for Turn off my video when joining meeting

How to enable Turn off my video when joining meeting

Disable video by default

To enable Turn off my video when joining meeting:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom Desktop Client.
  2. Click your profile picture then click Settings.
  3. Click Video video-button.png.
  4. Select the Turn off my video when joining meeting check box.

Disable video or audio by default when joining a meeting

You can also disable audio or video before joining a meeting by selecting the following options after clicking Join.

To disable audio or video before joining a meeting:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom Desktop Client.
  2. Click the Home tab.
  3. Click Join.
    • Enter the meeting ID or personal link name.
    • Enter your name.
  4. Select the Turn off my video check box if you want to disable your video.
  5. (Optional) Select the Do not connect to audio check box if you want to disable your audio.
  6. Click Join.

Android | iOS

Disable video by default

To enable Always Turn Off My Video (Android) or Turn Off My Video (iOS):

  1. Sign in to the Zoom mobile app.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, tap Settings settings-button.png
  3. Tap Meetings.
  4. Enable the Always Turn Off My Video (Android) or Turn Off My Video (iOS) toggle on-toggle-button.png.
    If the setting is disabled, click the toggle to enable it.

Disable video or audio by default when joining a meeting 

You can also disable audio or video before joining a meeting by toggling the following options after clicking Join.

To disable audio or video before joining a meeting:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom mobile app.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, tap Meet & Chat.
  3. Tap Join.
    • Enter the meeting ID or personal link name.
    • Enter your name.
  4. Under Join Options, enable the Turn Off My Video toggle on-toggle-button.png to disable your video.
    If the setting is disabled, click the toggle to enable it.
  5. (Optional) Under Join Options, enable the Don't Connect To Audio (iOS) toggle on-toggle-button.png.
  6. Click Join.