Bulk importing or updating emergency locations

After setting up nomadic emergency services, you can import or update several locations using a CSV file instead of adding or updating them individually.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for bulk importing or updating emergency locations

How to import locations using a CSV file

You can add several locations at once by uploading a CSV file.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Company Info.
  3. Click Account Settings.
  4. Click the Emergency Services tab.
  5. Scroll down to the Locations section.
  6. Under Locations, click Manage.
  7. Follow one of these options depending on if you have multiple sites:
    • If you don't have multiple sites: Select the one site you see in the left-side panel.
    • If you have multiple sites: Select a site in the left-side panel to import locations to.
  8. Click Import.
  9. Click CSV Sample to download a sample file and view on-screen instructions for each field.
  10. Open the CSV sample file using spreadsheet software and fill in these fields.
    • Parent Location Unique Identifier: The unique identifier of the parent location. Only specify this field if you are importing a sub-location. Leave it blank if you're importing a parent location. You can obtain this by exporting a CSV file of current addresses.
    • Location Unique Identifier (Required): Specify a unique identifier for the location. Make sure the ID is unique. You can specify a sequence of numbers as the IDs.
    • Company Address: Fill the fields to specify an emergency address for this location. You can use a previously-created emergency address (enter it exactly), or specify a new one. Zoom will attempt to validate new addresses, which can cause the location import to fail if the address cannot be successfully validated.
  11. Go back to the Zoom web portal, click Upload CSV, then select your completed CSV file.

How to update locations using a CSV file

You can update multiple locations at once by uploading a CSV file.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Company Info.
  3. Click Account Settings.
  4. Click the Emergency Services tab.
  5. Scroll down to the Locations section.
  6. Under Locations, click Manage.
  7. Follow one of these options depending on if you have multiple sites:
    • If you don't have multiple sites: Select the one site you see in the left-side panel.
    • If you have multiple sites: Select a site in the left-side panel to update locations for.
  8. Click Export to download a CSV file of the current locations.
  9. Open the CSV file using spreadsheet software and fill in these fields.
  10. Go back to the Zoom web portal and click Import.
  11. Click the Update Locations tab.
  12. Click Upload CSV and select your completed CSV file.