Understanding the sponsor role in expo

Expo is a feature in the Zoom Events product that allows event organizers to set up a virtual exhibition that connects attendees with other exhibitors and booths to discover more about their products and services.

Sponsors have the ability to showcase their products and engage with attendees with sponsor booths on the expo floor. On the expo floor, attendees can enter a product booth and network with exhibitors.

This article covers:

Frequently asked questions about expo sponsors

As a sponsor, can I set up, configure, or edit my own sponsored booth?

No. At this point, only the event organizer is allowed to set up, configure, and edit sponsored booths. Please coordinate with your event organizer to help set you up as a sponsor first, then add you to Expo to present and do the demos of the products and services.

Can I customize my sponsored booth?

No. At this point, no additional customization is available for the sponsor booths.

How many spaces am I allowed to have?

Spaces vary depending on your sponsorship tier: Platinum, Gold, or Silver.
Note: The default tier names—Platinum, Gold, and Silver—can be customized; the number of spaces available to each tier will not change if the tier name is changed.

Can I configure my booth’s own hours of operation (dates and times)?

No. At this point, there’s no additional configuration available on a per-booth basis. As the sponsored booth, you can choose when your booth and spaces are open, but this must be within the Expo dates and times of operation.

Can I change where my booth is located in expo?

Please contact the event organizer about changing the location of your sponsored booth.

As a sponsor, what data is available to me?

Please contact the event organizer for sponsor-specific event data.