Thank you for joining us in this journey to happier meetings.
With this guide we are going to take you through the most common steps to follow in order to successfully set up Zoom in your environment for your Proof of Concept.
In order to get the most out of this POC we would recommend taking some time to think at what are the success criteria for this POC.
Please document these criteria and make sure to review them throughout the POC to ensure everything you wished to achieve has been achieved.
Here are some basic steps you would need to follow for the very first time to ensure you are on your way to a successful POC.
Note: For the best possible experience, anyone taking part in this evaluation is encouraged to install the Zoom Client. Zoom also provides a web client which provides a streamlined set of capabilities that can be also used to connect to a Zoom meeting without a full install of the desktop client. Refer to this client comparison to see how each version compares in terms of features they provide, to see what may suit your needs.
This section will leverage the Zoom Admin portal, so sign in using the credentials you have selected your Zoom Account Executive converted into a Trial for you.
This concludes the most basic setup for your POC. Now your administrators have access to the web portal and can start scheduling Zoom Meetings. This short video is also helpful.
To take things to the next level, we have a few more suggested configurations for you.
To find out if Zoom is already used in your organisation, and to optionally bring in these existing users under the Zoom account you are setting up now, you would need to configure Associated Domains. This will allow you to map your company domain ( to this Zoom account and potentially merge all existing users into this account in a few easy steps.
To customise your meeting links with your company name, as well as access account branding features, we need to activate the Vanity URL. This will also provide you with a fully customisable company landing page for all things Zoom.
Note: This step is also required if you later wish to configure SSO.
If you wish for your users to be able to sign in using the same credentials used to log into any other company tool, you will want to configure Single Sign-On (SSO). We support any SAML 2.0 enabled identity provider and we provide step-by-step instructions for the more widely deployed solutions.
Note: SSO requires an approved Vanity URL, as mentioned above.
This should be sufficient to get you going for now, but feel free to reach out to your Zoom Account Executive with any questions you might have during your POC.
Additionally, our Support site has numerous additional articles to detail many other features and configurations Zoom offers.